Chapman Taylor's world-beating masterplanning portfolio

Chapman Taylor has built a strong reputation as world-class masterplanners on development projects across the world, able to create projects of an extraordinary scale from the early concept stage right through to full completion. Below are some of the extraordinary masterplans we've recently created.

Xiong'an New Area, Xiong'an, China

The 272km² Xiong’an New Area is a government-supported urban development project which aims to create a high-quality, efficient and smart city environment which encourages equality and sustainability. Chapman Taylor’s masterplan creates technologically advanced and environmentally sustainable designs for Zangang Cluster and Xiongdong District while enhancing the surrounding environment and protecting historic cultural sites.

Our design used quantitative analysis of the site’s ecological characteristics and proposes the diversion of water to serve the needs of the city as it develops while improving the waterways system and preserving and upgrading the existing water resources. Landscaping will be optimised to create a sponge city solution which combines an urban stormwater management system and a natural water filtration system. The system will replenish underground water reserves and municipal water supplies, with spare water being used at Daqinghe and Baiyangdian.

Liangjiang Innovation Zone, Chongqing, China

Chapman Taylor won a major international design competition to create an urban innovation zone on a 6.8 square kilometre site in Chongqing Liangjiang, central China. Liangjiang has been chosen by the Chinese government as a developmental ‘new area’ for Chongqing, which has a population of over 30 million people and is one of China’s four centrally governed municipalities.

The masterplan competition sought designs for an advanced technology research and development district. Chapman Taylor’s winning project is based on the integration of the beautiful natural environment with the technology facilities, and creates a connected series of five university campuses surrounded by R&D clusters.

World Horticultural EXPO, Łódź, Poland

In 2018, the city of Łódź in central Poland was awarded Horticultural EXPO - an international exhibition for greenery and landscaping in urban environments. Chapman Taylor’s masterplan concept represents a step-change for EXPO, with an intensive focus on being ecologically friendly - regenerating, restoring, recycling, repurposing and reusing.

The 80-hectare project is the first of its kind because, whereas all previous World Horticultural EXPO developments were created in remote, undeveloped areas, in Łódź it is located in the heart of the city centre, near the main railway station.

The masterplan’s functions are arranged around four themed zones, including two existing parks, developed in consultation with the city and more than 50 other organisations. In addition, an overall “Nature of Us” theme combines elements of all the others to reflect a modern city that provides employment, facilitates rest and recharging in green surroundings, showcases cultural diversity and provides daily close contact with the environment.

Airport City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Airport City in Jeddah will be a world-class, mixed-use development which will become a leading destination for visitors from across Saudi Arabia and the GCC region. The 1.91 million m² GBA masterplan for Airport City introduces an innovative mixed-use community concept to the region, creating diverse tourism and business opportunities while also providing a dynamic lifestyle and family entertainment venue.

A vibrant transport orientated development creates a new hub gateway to Jeddah and beyond at the strategically important meeting point of the airport, high-speed railway station and the motorway junction between central Jeddah and the Northern Expansion Zone.

One Line and Four Mines, West Beijing, China

The "One Line and Four Mines" is an important 99km2 regeneration project across a historic 185km long coal mining route, including 12 linked towns and villages. It is the nearest ecological conservation zone to the city centre of Beijing, just 30km away. As the border between the city and nature, it combines a bustling ambience and great natural beauty.

Our competition-winning masterplan promotes beautiful, regenerated ecology and evokes memories of the traditional coal mining industry. We took our inspiration from the Chinese idea of harmony between man and nature and the benefits this brings to life.

Büyükyalı, Istanbul, Turkey

A 340,000m² residential-led scheme in a spectacular location on the coastline of the Marmara Sea, Büyükyalı is an attractive and sustainable place to live for families, single people and young couples who wish to enjoy the benefits of the city. A key element of the concept was to create a sense of community by introducing an active streetscape hosting a well-considered mix of street-front retail, F&B and leisure facilities, as well as a dynamic variety of landscaped spaces.

The resulting development therefore has an attractive townscape character, enhanced by the careful renovation of the heritage industrial and office buildings on the site, which front onto new plazas, streets and gardens. The sense of place is strongly emphasised by the development’s shoreline location and the dramatic view it provides of the many passing ships.

Mui Dinh Ecopark, Mui Dinh, Vietnam

Intended as an unrivalled hospitality-led, mixed-use development, this 728 hectare masterplan is inspired by the rich local history of Mui Dinh. Six resort hotels and a boutique hotel provide a total of up to 7,000 rooms, with an additional 500 ocean-facing mountain villas. All the residents will have access to many leisure facilities, including an ecopark, theme park, a casino, a beach club and a mountain clubhouse. The scheme incorporates environmental sustainability in every aspect.

The Vietnamese government has recently approved the urban plan, masterplanned by Chapman Taylor, for Mui Dinh, and construction has begun.

Liverpool Waters, Liverpool, United Kingdom

One of Europe’s largest and most important waterside regeneration schemes, Liverpool Waters has been unanimously granted outline planning consent for a 1.7 million m² development by the local council. Envisaged is a world-class, mixed-use waterfront environment which will help Liverpool compete economically with similarly-sized cities such as Hamburg, Barcelona, Boston and Toronto.

Chapman Taylor masterplanned this groundbreaking project, and has continued to be involved in realising several of the plots. The scheme is currently under construction.

MediaCityUK Phase Two, Manchester, UK

The £1 billion, 211,000m², second phase of MediaCityUK gained planning consent in September 2016. Already home to the BBC, ITV, University of Salford and over 250 creative media businesses, MediaCityUK is a major digital media hub, centre of learning and established visitor destination. The Phase Two scheme includes a major residential component, comprising 1,800 private sale and build-to-rent city apartments and town houses. It will also deliver over 55,000m² of additional office space, retail and leisure uses, as well as a sequence of new public spaces.

Chapman Taylor’s role on Phase Two includes the development of the overall masterplan and individual plot briefs, coordinating the work of six other architects on ten plots and also designing three of the buildings, including a 470-unit build-to-rent apartment building with ground floor restaurants surrounding a landscaped court, an 11,000m² BCO ‘Grade A’ office building, and a 1,050-space multi-storey car park, with an office, a live/work space, an energy centre and an LED ‘media wall’.

Sa Pa Resort, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam

Chapman Taylor’s context-sensitive masterplan for the Sa Pa resort in Vietnam’s Lao Cai Province creates a major cultural and ecological tourism destination for northern Vietnam.

The planned development will offer luxury hospitality for travellers in a beautiful hillscape setting, including comfortable resort residences and a wellness centre which draws architectural influence from the local area. It will also provide agricultural and medical research facilities, while a central retail area will offer a market outlet for the local H’Mong hill tribe to display and sell products and food, helping to boost the local economy and showcase local history, traditions and culture.

Xiong’an Intercity Station, Xiong’an, China.

The 520,000m2 GBA Xiong’an Intercity Station masterplan will include the city’s Intercity Station as well as the surrounding blocks, all completely integrated with the wider urban environment. The architecture responds to and expresses the characteristics of the main views, such as Jade Lake to the west, the park and river to the south, and Pearl Lake to the east.

The massing and the layout of the buildings make references to the natural landscape of Baiyangdian, helping to create a calm and relaxed spatial atmosphere as a balance to the busy city ambience. With featured urban spaces such as the Green Park Spine, the Urban Valley, the City Village and the Contemporary Chinese Garden Park, the conceptual layout provides a perfect place for people to meet, relax and have fun.

A fundamental element of the concept is connectivity. Using the idea of a multi-layered and multi-level city, the underground Intercity Station becomes the centre of clearly understandable connections, with the many urban and transportation functions established across different levels.

Coc San urban masterplan, Lao Cai, Vietnam

The Coc San urban masterplan for the expanded city of Lao Cai in Vietnam will provide a modern and sustainable district in a luscious green mountain setting near the border with China.

The masterplan will include residential areas, a logistics centre, a retail boulevard, a cultural park, mountain villas, resort hotels, a commercial, district, a leisure and entertainment centre, a medical treatment centre and new urban farms.

Xuan Khanh Lake ecological tourism and Buddhist spiritualism destination, Son Tay, Vietnam

The new Xuan Khanh Lake ecological tourism and Buddhist spiritualism destination creates a convenient location for weekend relaxation, lakeside living and meditation in nature for visitors from the city and beyond.

Xuan Khanh Lake is located in Son Tay, a provincial town on the outskirts of the Vietnamese capital. Son Tay is known for its thousand-year-old heritage village and a laterite brick temple. Xuan Khanh Lake has recently also become well-known for the discovery of an almost extinct animal – the Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle.

The new resort will comprise several hotel and residential elements, including a luxury eco-hotel, a lakeside resort, a wellness resort, a spiritual retreat and hilltop and “floating” villas.

Yangpu Bay, Hainan, China

Originally salt producers, the Hainan people have a rich history and connection with the land and sea. The coastline of the area is covered with mangroves. We analysed the site and how to protect birdlife and wetlands, proposing an ecological buffer zone. The coastline will become colourful and flood-adapted, with different site elevations to create a high-quality coastal urban form.

There will be five kinds of urban hubs in our competition-winning masterplan: commercial, residential, research & developmental and ecological. Each hub will introduce green to the city, enhancing the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature and creating valuable public space. We have identified several core buildings including landmarks such as a Free Trade Building and an Entertainment Centre. Cultural buildings include a Community Centre and Innovation & Entrepreneurship Base.

Wuxi Xiyan Lake, China

A world-class city in and around the existing conurbation of Wuxi, in southern Jiangsu province, eastern China. The design aims to maximise the ecological benefits of the waterway culture of the region by promoting interaction between people and nature. The existing main water network dictated the structure of the entire project and it will be fully utilised and respected.

The 1776km long Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to the north edge of the site is the largest man-made waterway in the world. It is directly connected to Xiyan Lake at the heart of the site. Through smart water network monitoring and various sponge facilities, the risk of flooding will be minimised and the problem of water pollution solved. Rainwater will be purified and new habitats created. The Xiyan Lake wetland park, Xiyan Lake, will be the green lung of the area while helping restore rainwater during wet/cloudburst days.

Sanya Jiyang area, China

Known as the "Hawaii of the East", Sanya enjoys 209km of coastline and is surrounded by mountains on three sides. With the continuous development of Sanya, it is becoming increasingly important to explore a future expansion that integrates with its unique ecology.

Known as the "Hawaii of the East", Sanya enjoys 209km of coastline and is surrounded by mountains on three sides. With the continuous development of Sanya, it is becoming increasingly important to explore a future expansion that integrates with its unique ecology.

Chapman Taylor partnered with South China University of Technology to win this design competition.

Jiaxing South Railway Station & Urban Area

Part of the wider development of the Yangtze River Delta, this 2,930-hectare masterplan provides an integrated mixed-use city embedded with excellent connectivity and defined by a diverse ecological framework, taking advantage of the existing waterways. The concept is inspired by Jiaxing Water Culture, with concentric spreading circles of development rippling outwards.

Among the key provisions for Jiaxing High-Speed Railway New City are cultural, business, civic, retail, leisure, hospitality, residential, educational, industrial, logistics and R&D developments, linked by beautifully landscaped public spaces, waterways and parks. Streets will be ecologically diverse and environmentally sustainable, with vibrant interfaces between the streets and the buildings. There will also be wetlands and urban farms.

Chris Lanksbury (B Arch Dip Arch RIBA)

Director, UK, MENA and Asia

Chris has been at Chapman Taylor since 1979 and has played a major role in the expansion of the practice as a global design studio with particular responsibility for the strategic direction of the international business.

Chris is fully involved in leading the design of projects and has worked on many different types and sizes of buildings in over 70 countries, and is motivated by the creation of sustainable new city masterplans that are responsive and relevant to the location. He believes architectural design is a carefully managed and collaborative process that draws inspiration from the brief, the function, and the place.

Areas of expertise:

Masterplanning / Mixed use / Retail / Leisure / Workplace / Residential / Hospitality / Culture

คริส อยู่กับ Chapman Taylor มาตั้งแต่ค.ศ. 1979 และมีบทบาทสำคัญในการขยายบริษัทสู่ธุรกิจการออกแบบไปทั่วโลก นอกจากรั้งตำแหน่งเป็นประธานของห้างหุ้นส่วนที่จำกัดความรับผิดชอบแล้ว คริสยังเป็นสมาชิกของคณะกรรมการบริหารนานาชาติและประธานกรรมการประจำสหราชอาณาจักร กรุงเทพ บรัสเซล บูคาเรสต์ เคียฟ มาดริด มอสโก นิวเดลี ปารีส ปราก เซาเปาโล เซี่ยงไฮ้ และวอร์ซอที่มีบทบาทต่อเนื่อง และแม้จะประจำอยู่ที่กรุงลอนดอน เขาก็เดินทางไปมาระหว่างสำนักงานในประเทศต่างๆ อย่างสม่ำเสมอ

คริสเป็นนักออกแบบผู้เป็นที่ต้องการอย่างสูงจากความสามารถด้านอาคารที่หลากหลายและประสบการณ์ที่ช่ำชองในการทำงานกับมาสเตอร์แพลนขนาดใหญ่ รวมถึงงานสำนักงาน โรงแรม ร้านค้า และพื้นที่สันทนาการ

เขาออกแบบโครงการมามากมายในกว่า 50 ประเทศรอบโลก และมีความพยายามอย่างยิ่งยวดในอันที่จะทำให้อาคารทั้งหลายกลืนไปกับสภาพสิ่งแวดล้อมที่มีความแตกต่างทางวัฒนธรรมและเศรษฐกิจได้อย่างดีที่สุด

คริสพยายามพัฒนาคุณภาพของงานออกแบบอย่างสม่ำเสมอและทำให้แน่ใจว่าการออกแบบตามแนวคิดนั้นสามารถเกิดขึ้นได้จริงอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ และทำให้สถานที่นั้นๆ ประสบความสำเร็จในเชิงพาณิชย์และสถาปัตยกรรม

Chris si unisce a Chapman Taylor nel 1979 e da allora svolge un ruolo importante nell'espansione del gruppo come studio di progettazione a livello globale. È uno dei quattro soci di Chapman Taylor e ha particolari responsabilità nella direzione strategica del business internazionale.

Chris è inoltre pienamente coinvolto nella direzione dei progetti e ha lavorato su progetti di diverse tipologie e dimensioni in oltre 60 paesi in tutto il mondo. Egli ritiene che il progetto architettonico debba essere un processo di collaborazione accuratamente gestito che trae ispirazione dal brief, dalla funzione e dal luogo.

Aree di competenza:

Masterplanning / Mixed use / Retail / Leisure / Office / Residential / Hospitality

Крис является частью компании Chapman Taylor с 1979 года и играет ключевую роль в расширении и развитии архитектурного проектирования на международном рынке. Он является одним из владельцев компании и отвечает за стратегическое направление международного бизнеса.

Крис по прежнему принимает активное участие в процессе ведения проектов и обладает мировым опытом в проектировании зданий любых видов и размеров в более чем 60 странах по всему миру. Крис убежден, что архитектурное проектирование – это, прежде всего, тщательно контролируемый совместный процесс, который черпает вдохновение в таких вещах, как задание на проектирование, функциональность и непосредственно место.

Области специализации:

Разработка генпланов/Многофункциональных комплексов/Торговых объектов/Развлекательных объектов/Офисных помещений/Жилых комплексов/Гостиничных комплексов

Chris ist seit 1979 bei Chapman Taylor und spielte eine wichtige Rolle beim Ausbau des Unternehmens als globales Design-Unternehmen. Er ist einer der Eigentümer von Chapman Taylor und trägt besondere Verantwortung für die strategische Ausrichtung des Auslandsgeschäfts.

Chris ist noch voll bei der Design-Leitung von Projekten involviert und hat bei verschiedenen Arten und Größen von Gebäuden in über sechzig Ländern der Welt gearbeitet. Er glaubt, dass Architektur ein sorgfältig gesteuerter kollaborativer Prozess ist, der durch das Briefing, die Funktion und den Ort inspiriert wird.


Masterplanung / Mixed-Use / Einzelhandel / Freizeitbauten / Bürobau/ Wohnungsbau / Hotelbauten

مدير مجلس إدارة المجموعة ، المملكة المتحدة

يعمل كريس في تشابمان تايلور منذ عام 1979 ولعب دورًا رئيسيًا في توسيع الممارسة كعمل تصميم عالمي. وهو أحد مالكي تشابمان تايلور ، ويتحمل مسؤولية خاصة عن التوجه الاستراتيجي للأعمال الدولية.

يشارك كريس بالكامل في قيادة تصميم المشاريع ، وقد عمل على العديد من أنواع وأحجام المباني المختلفة في أكثر من 60 دولة حول العالم. وهو يعتقد أن التصميم المعماري هو عملية تعاونية تتم ادارتها بعناية وتستمد الإلهام من الملخص والوظيفة والمكان.

مجالات الخبرة:

المخطط الرئيسي / الاستخدام المتعدد / المتاجر/ الترفيه / المكاتب / السكني / الفنادق

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