Global 100 Location City: Hainan Island, China

A new world-class theme park in Southern China

VIEWS:  12910
Masterplanning, Mixed Use, Retail, Residential, Leisure, Hospitality
Changchun Film Group Corporation


Key Info

A 170-hectare theme park containing attractions influenced by international film-making from Europe, China and America
400-hectare site, 170-hectare theme park
Phase one - the theme park - opened in December 2018

Map Location

Masterplanners to some of the world's leading mixed-use schemes

'Global 100' is a mixed-use, leisure, retail, hospitality and residential scheme over 400ha in Haikou on Hainan Island, China. It is designed to rival existing globally famous attractions offered by Disney and other entertainment industry leaders.

It consists of six different villages, each influenced by international film-making attractions from China, Europe and America.

Concept for the UK village

For the English village, film characters including James Bond 007, Alice in Wonderland and Mr. Bean have been juxtaposed with English cultural and architectural icons, including historic castles, traditional country villages and markets, as well as elements from the country’s industrial heritage.

Concept for the Chinese Village

The concept of the Chinese Village draws on the ancient Loulan kingdom or ‘ancient desert city’, featuring twin towers housing a major entertainment facility at the centre of the design.

A waterfront component features a fishing village, an indoor street and the giant ship from the legendary story of ‘Zheng He’s Expedition’. All these elements work together to create an impression of ‘The Great Silk Road’ journey.

Chapman Taylor developed the masterplan for Global 100, as well as providing the concept and architectural designs for the English and Chinese villages.


Best Cultural and Tourism Project - 2018 REARD Awards
Best Cultural and Tourism Project - 2018 REARD Awards
All awards
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