New images of the successful Cour Bareuzai heritage development in Dijon, France

New images taken by photographer Stephane Rouillard capture the popularity of the Cour Bareuzai retail and F&B development in Dijon since it opened in November 2019.

Designed by Chapman Taylor, the project involved the beautiful and sensitive renovation of a 17th/18th century mansion house building formerly used as offices for Dijon's local authorities.

The context-sensitive scheme creates 2,300m² of attractive and welcoming, high-end retail and restaurant space across three floors for the UNESCO World Heritage-designated city centre of Dijon, designed to blend harmoniously with their surroundings. A wall which blocked views to the historic buildings was demolished.

Chapman Taylor has many years’ experience delivering schemes within heritage or historical settings. The maintenance and renewal of the physical fabric of historic towns involves a broad range of skills, from strategic planning and detailed technical advice to the sensitive design of new buildings and the repair, alteration and extension of existing buildings.

Designed by Chapman Taylor, the project involved the beautiful and sensitive renovation of a 17th/18th century mansion house building formerly used as offices for Dijon's local authorities.

The context-sensitive scheme creates 2,300m² of attractive and welcoming, high-end retail and restaurant space across three floors for the UNESCO World Heritage-designated city centre of Dijon, designed to blend harmoniously with their surroundings. A wall which blocked views to the historic buildings was demolished.

Chapman Taylor has many years’ experience delivering schemes within heritage or historical settings. The maintenance and renewal of the physical fabric of historic towns involves a broad range of skills, from strategic planning and detailed technical advice to the sensitive design of new buildings and the repair, alteration and extension of existing buildings.

Chapman Taylor has many years’ experience delivering schemes within heritage or historical settings. The maintenance and renewal of the physical fabric of historic towns involves a broad range of skills, from strategic planning and detailed technical advice to the sensitive design of new buildings and the repair, alteration and extension of existing buildings.

* Images taken by photographer Stephane Rouillard.

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