Dreiländer Galerie in Weil-am-Rhein, Germany, wins planning permission

Chapman Taylor is pleased to report that Dreiländer Galerie, a brand new retail development in Weil-am-Rhein, Germany, has been awarded planning permission, with an anticipated opening date of late 2019.

Dreiländer Galerie, or ‘Three Countries Gallery’, will be a 55,00m² GBA shopping and services centre in the German town of Weil-am-Rhein, close to the meeting point of the French and Swiss borders with Germany.

Containing three levels of retail and two of parking for 560 cars, as well as a kindergarten on the roof, it is intended to attract visitors from across the Swiss border in Basel, aided by a new tram line from there complete with turning loop.

Built into a steep site with a 15 metre drop known locally as ‘Hangkante’ or ‘Edge of Slope’, the centre is planned as a multi-national shopping destination.

Chapman Taylor’s Düsseldorf studio, together with the investor CEMAGG GmbH, won a competition to provide a new shopping centre in Weil-am-Rhein in 2014. The local council voted to sell the one hectare site to CEMAGG so that Chapman Taylor’s design can be realised.

For more information, please contact:

Andrew Mackay (Architect BArch (Hons) BPD)

Director, Brussels

Andrew helps manage our Brussels studio.

He joined Chapman Taylor in 2007 and became a Director in 2022. Prior to working at Chapman Taylor, Andrew worked for practices in Australia (where he received his architectural degree), New Zealand, the UK, the Netherlands and Germany.

His wide-ranging design experience gained from working on different building types in different cultures and environments serves to strengthen the studio's vision and output.

Areas of expertise:

Design / Mixed-use / Masterplanning / Retail / Workplace

Andrew ist seit 2007 bei Chapman Taylor tätig, seit 2018 ist er Prokurist im Düsseldorfer Büro. Als Leiter des Entwurfsteams hat er in den vergangenen Jahren eine Vielzahl wegweisender Projekte realisiert und betreut aktuell eine große Bandbreite unterschiedlichster Bauvorhaben.

Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei Chapman Taylor arbeitete Andrew für Unternehmen in Australien - wo er seinen Abschluss in Architektur machte-, in Neuseeland, Großbritannien, den Niederlanden und Deutschland.

Seine weitreichenden Erfahrungen in allen Stufen der Gestaltung und Umsetzung verschiedener Gebäudetypen in verschiedenen Kulturen und Umgebungen stärken und bereichern das Düsseldorfer Büro.


Entwurf/ Mixed-Use/ Masterplanung/ Einzelhandel/ Büro

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