Mixed-use: Regeneration scheme for Peterborough city centre is submitted for planning

A new £100m leisure led scheme that looks set to rejuvenate a neglected area of the city centre and provide much needed housing has been submitted to Peterborough City Council. The 4.557 Hectares site has been overlooked for many years and Chapman Taylor have provided a masterplan that seamlessly integrates into this quarter of the city.

The proposal is anchored by an eight screen cinema complex and includes a mix of leisure facilities, retail, cafes, restaurants, a European style food hall, retail and office space, a purpose built community centre and 140 new apartments. A network of pedestrian streets and thoroughfares will flow from a new public square centred around the retailed and refurbished Westgate Church and a sustainable water regeneration method will provide a water route through the public realm promoting greenery and wildlife and culminating in a central water feature.

Prior to the submission, a number of public consultations were held by developers Hawksworth Securities and Chapman Taylor, including presentations to the local community to help  show how the development will play a crucial role in Peterborough’s ongoing regeneration programme and boost the local economy.

The project is due to go to the planning committee on September 23rd

For further information please contact:

Jonathan Bethel


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